Saying No (So You Can Say Yes)

When was the last time you intentionally said NO to a potential work opportunity?

(I know, it can seem like a wild idea, especially if you are currently looking to take on new clients).

But bear with me, I promise this is a worthwhile skill to practice and learn.

For any business owner or freelancer, it is very easy to get into an urgency mindset,

Feeling as though you need to say yes to any project that gets sent your way.

But, if you are actually looking to create a sustainable, successful writing business,

You need to be able to say no. And say it often.

Allow me to explain.

It’s time to be the badass boss you truly are

Saying NO teaches you to take your business more seriously

As a freelancer, you are the ‼️CEO‼️ of your business.

You make the top-level calls on which clients and projects are worth your time,

And because of this, you need to get crystal clear on your desired clients to make the best possible decisions.

Client price point, expected turnaround time, content topics, and even ✨ general vibes ✨ are all valid reasons why a project may not actually serve your business in the way you want

And when this happens, you have to be the person to pull the plug and say NO.

Listen, I am not saying that this will be easy (or saying that you should be super rude to anyone who reaches out to you who isn’t a good fit)

But knowing what type of clients YOU and YOUR BUSINESS want and need to thrive and grow is essential for long-term success, and saying no to opportunities that don’t align with that mission is an important step you have to take.

You need to protect your peace

Saying NO protects you from burnout

(This goes beyond just simply having less work on your plate, I promise)

If you fill your schedule with low-paying and poor-quality clients, you won’t have the time (or capacity) to recognize or take on work from people or companies who are better aligned with your personal values.

It is incredibly tempting to lock yourself into as much work from any client who will have you, especially when you are starting out.

But, if you do this, you not only risk missing out on working with great clients, but you increase your chance of feeling resentment, anger, and regret about starting your business.

Working as a freelancer is not easy — so don’t make it harder by signing on with clients who make writing feel stressful, exhausting, and enjoyable.

You didn’t get into freelancing to be miserable. Protect your peace and protect your business by saying NO to opportunities that do not work for you.

Saying NO is a learned, important skill

So, all this being said, I strongly encourage you to flex your NO muscle,

Because knowing when and how to turn down opportunities is an essential part of acting like (and yenno, actually being) the badass CEO of your business that you are.

Hope this helps and gives you the courage and ability to put yourself first the next time you need to say NO to a well-meaning offer!


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